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Types of Healthy Tea

Tea is a kind of popular beverage in the world. Not only useful as a release thirst, a dish of tea also saved health benefits. At least, the following six types of tea, was quoted by Fox News.

Black Tea
Is the most common variety with penetration reaching 75 percent of global tea market? Made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis plant, which is usually rolled, fermented, then dried and crushed.
It was a little bitter with the highest caffeine content than other types. It compared to 40 milligrams of caffeine-containing coffee between 50-100 milligrams.

Health Benefits: Research shows people who drank three cups of black tea or more per day reduced their risk of stroke by 21 percent. Has a sufficiently high concentration of antioxidants, known as  theaflavin and thearubigins.? "This compound has a good effect at lower blood cholesterol levels," said Rebecca Baer, a dietitian in New York City.

Green Tea
Have a more delicate taste than black tea. Once picked, the tea leaves are dried and heated immediately to stop the fermentation process. It contains about 25 milligrams of caffeine per cup.

Health benefits: A study found that consumption of Green tea per day lowers the risk from cardiovascular disease by 10 percent. Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins. "Active compounds to prevent cancer and all diseases related to heart," said Karen Collins, dietitian and nutrition consultant at the American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington.

Oolong Tea
Similar to black tea. The difference is in the process of fermentation that lasted shorter. A bunch of richer flavor, this tea contains about 30 milligrams of caffeine per cup.

Health benefits: A study shows the benefits from this type of tea to weight loss. Women who diligently tended to drink oolong tea can burn more calories than those who drank only water. "Oolong activated the enzyme responsible for dissolving triglycerides, a form of dietary fat stored in fat cells," said Baer.

White Tea
Derived from tea leaves that are picked while still very easy, thus offering a much milder flavor than other types. Each cup has only about 15 milligrams of caffeine content. And the process was too long; the type of tea is capable of storing the highest antioxidant content than other types.

Health benefits: A number of studies have shown the good type of tea for diabetics. Clinical trials of experimental animals also showed the benefits improved glucose tolerance and lowers bad cholesterol. Experts believe the same effect on humans. "White tea is beneficial to protect the system against potential cardiovascular and cancer," said Joe Simrany, president of the Tea Association of the United States.

Usually in the form of black tea, green tea or white tea in the process of compounding has the addition of aromatics such as cinnamon, orange peel, or lavender,

Health benefits: nutritional compounds depending on the type of tea used. Because basically, the addition will not reduce the aromatic content of antioxidants or other important compounds. "But the levels of antioxidants can be added if blended with fruit such as blueberries super-harbor," said Lisa Boalt Richardson, tea expert from Atlanta, who wrote 'The World in Your Teacup'.

Herbal Tea
Technically, this type is not derived from real tea leaves. Rather than mixing types of plants which usually consists of dried fruit, some flowers, and herbs. Caffeine-free content.

Health benefits: The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition found that drinking three cups of herbal tea (hibiscus) every day to help lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. There is also evidence to suggest that chamomile tea served to increase the quality of sleep, or peppermint tea to soothe the stomach. All you need to be vigilant when consuming herbal tea is a weight that may contain harmful laxatives.
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