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How to Stop Sensitive Teeth

How to Stop Sensitive Teeth

 Do you always experience pain while eating cold foods, or are hot, are sweet and are sour?

This is a sign of your teeth included in the class-sensitive. However, the sensitivity of the teeth on each person is different. Raised because of the pain of sensitive teeth can attack a few moments.

Dentinal sensitivity occurs when the tooth has been eroded email, so that the center of the teeth will look. Mean while, the sensitivity of the pulp due to nerve damage in the heart of the teeth.

The difference, pulpal pain sensitivity occurs only in a damaged tooth, while the pain of dentinal sensitivity felt in all gears.

Causative factor that often happens to be the wrong way to brush your teeth. Sometimes we brush his teeth with a very strong, for want of teeth really clean. It's just a big mistake! Protective layer of tooth enamel and also eroded, so that the inside of the tooth ache when exposed to acid.

Way improper brushing can cause gums to the teeth grip weakened. The position of the gums will go down, so that the roots of the teeth more susceptible to acid. The signs, the tooth will easily shake.

Cleaning the teeth is now a thing that requires precision, both in the way of brushing and consistency. If you often forget to brush your teeth, it also will be a problem. Acid levels in the mouth of the higher, so the teeth easily fragile. Brittle teeth that are a haven for plaque that will make your teeth become sensitive.

What about the habit of eating fruit or acidic drinks. The same as brushing your teeth too hard, the enamel on the teeth will easily be eroded.

Many things you can do to get healthy teeth. One of them by choosing a soft toothbrush and a toothpaste containing fluoride as an amplifier.
Avoid foods that make it difficult to chew and swallow to eat your normal speed. If you still continue and do not care, your teeth will be faster sensitive to heat, cold, and acids.
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Unknown said...

Thanks for all the advice. I'm not quite sure what triggered my teeth sensitivity but all of a sudden they are really sensitive to temperature. I will definitely try all these tips and hopefully they will help and I wont have to visit my Colorado Springs CO dentists.

Unknown said...

All of a sudden all the teeth on the right side of my mouth have been really sensitive. I don't know what all of a sudden brought it on. I will have to try these tips and see if there is a difference.

Unknown said...

It is true poor dental hygiene does leads to poor oral health further damaging your teeth. I used to be very lazy when it comes to take care of dental care. But during my dental check up my dentist explained me that my teeth are not in good state and immediate cleaning with good dental hygiene must be followed to avoid further damaging. They are undoubtedly the best dentist in india.

mine az said...

My teeth are susceptible to various infections and are very sensitive. It hurts a lot after eating cold food items. I want to get a permanent treatment for teeth sensitivity and looking for a professional dentist Redondo Beach. Hopefully will find one soon.

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