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Efficacy Soursop (Annona Muricata)

  Soursop (Annona muricata) in the form of plant or potion that trunked small size and low primary. The leaves are oval rather thick and the upper surface of a smooth dark green being the color of the bottom having younger. This plant can be grown in any place. But to gain a lot of fruit and large, the most balk grown in a soil containing enough water. Soursop name itself is derived from the Dutch word meaning roughly Zuurzak sac acid. Soursop fruit is ripe more sour than sweet. Soursop best breeding is through grafting and will produce fruit at the age of 4 years after planting.

Efficacy and Benefits for the treatment of:

Material: soursop fruit is ripe;
Method: squeezed to take water 1 cup;
How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Urine Bladder Pain
Ingredients: half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste;
How to make: all ingredients are cooked compote made​​;
How to use: eaten plain, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

Baby Diarrhea
Material: soursop fruit is ripe;
Method: soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water;
How to use: drinking from diarrhea in infants between 2-3 tablespoons.

Ingredients: half-ripe soursop and sugar to taste;
Method: Soursop peeled and boiled with sugar together with water by 2 cups; How to use: filtered and drunk.

Ingredients: 20 pieces soursop leaves;
Method: boiled with 5 cups water to boil down tinggal3 glasses;
How to use: drink 1 a day 3/4 cup.

Material: young soursop leaf to taste;
Method: finely ground and added 1/2 tablespoon water, stirring until evenly;
How to use: placed on the boil.

Soursop (Annona muricata) in each gram contains 100 calories worth as much as 65 calories, 1 gram protein, 0.3 grams fat, 16.3 grams carbohydrate, 14 milligrams calcium, 27 milligrams phosphorus, iron 0.6 mg, vitamin A 10 SI, vitamin B, 0.07 milligrams, 20 milligrams of vitamin C and hydrogen 81.7 percent. In addition, the clan of the leaf stalks contain elements of tannin, phytosterol, ca-oxalate alakaloid murisine clan.
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Efficacy Banyan Tree

  Banyan tree plant which has the Latin name Ficus L. Benyamina This is found on the side of the road, or growing suburb on the edge of the abyss. A large tree, height 20-25 m, rooted riding. Stem erect, round, rough surface, blackish brown, branching simpodial, the rod hanging out the roots (aerial roots).

  Leaves single, short-stemmed, lies the cross face, oval shape, flat edge, pointed tip, base obtuse, length 3-6 cm, width 2-4 cm, bone pinnate, green.
Single flower, out of the armpit leaves, petals form a funnel, crown rounded, smooth, yellow-green. Buni fruit, round, length 0.5 to 1 cm, young green, after the old red. Seeds round, hard, white.

Curable Disease Banyan tree tree:
  Runny nose, high fever, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), pain in arthritic joints, injuries hit (bruise), influenza, inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), whooping cough (pertussis), malaria, acute colitis (acute enteritis), dysentery, heat cramps in children.;
Parts used from Banyan tree is a tree aerial roots and leaves. Washed and dried before use.

This aerial roots to overcome:
  • Runny nose, high fever,
  • Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis),
  • Pain in arthritic joints, and
  • Injury hit (bruise).

The leaves are useful to overcome:
  • Influenza,
  • Inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), whooping cough (pertussis),
  • malaria,
  • Acute Inflammatory bowel disease (acute enteritis), dysentery, and
  • Hot Seizures in children.

How Banyan tree for medicinal use is as follows:
Root dry air as much as 15-30 g or dried leaves as 50-120 g boiled, and drunk. For external use, the leaves boiled and the water used for bathing while warm.

The Banyan tree is an example of usage:

Hot Seizures in children
  Take 100 g of fresh leaves of Banyan tree, washed and boiled with 5 lt of water for 25 minutes. While warm boiled water was used to bathe the sick child.

Severe gastroenteritis and dysentery
  Take fresh leaves of Banyan tree 500 g. Then washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, divided for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon, each 1/2 cup.

  Take the aerial roots of Banyan tree as much as 180 g, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Add 1 cup of vinegar. After a cold used to rinse out his mouth. Do this several times a day.

Chronic Bronchitis
  Take 75 g and 18 g of fresh leaves mandarin orange peel, washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered and divided for. 3 times drinking, ie morning, noon, and night. Do it for 10 days.
The chemistry and pharmacological effects of the plant Banyan tree is a little bitter, astringent, cool. While the levels of the chemical, aerial roots contain amino acids, phenols, sugar, and sour orange.

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Efficacy Spinach

Efficacy Spinach

 Spinach spines, often considered one eye. In comparison to ordinary vegetable spinach, even though it's the same, this plant is rarely touched. In fact, many do not realize, in addition to tasty, plant is full efficacy, cure dysentery, boils, until discharge.

Chemical properties:
Rich chemical constituents include amarantin, routine, potassium nitrate, pyridoxine, phosphate salts, iron, Vitamin A, C and K.

Pharmacological Effects:
This herb has properties entered heart and kidney meridian. Heat removal (anti-pyretic), laxative urine (diuretic), eliminating toxins (anti-toxin) eliminate swelling, stop diarrhea and cleanse the blood. These plants also are: taste sweet, bitter and cool.

Plant part used:
Whole plant either fresh or dried aerated.
Ways of farming: By cuttings or seeds.

Traditional recipe:
  1. Dysentery: 30 gr fresh roots washed, plus 15 gr palm sugar and water to taste and boil until the remaining 1 cup, drink before dinner
  2. Whitish: 30-60 g fresh root, washed and added a little sugar, boiled with water to 1 3 gls gls, filtered and drunk.
  3. Gland TB: 30-60 grams of fresh roots or whole plants, washed clean boiled water mixed with wine to taste, drink.
  4. Sore throat: 45 gr fresh roots washed, boiled and drunk.
  5. Boils: Leaves fresh taste washed and finely ground, mix honey to taste and boil covered bandaged. Replaced 2x a day.
  6. Hemorrhoids: Handful of fresh leaves are washed, steamed and boiled and used to wash his hemorrhoids.
  7. Eczema (dermatitis): Entire plant boiled enough, add a little salt and water is used to wash the affected part.
  8. Inflammation of the respiratory tract: leaves 1/4 handheld washed and finely ground, given the 3 tablespoons of cooking water and a little salt, squeezed and strained and drunk 2x a day
  9. Discard the urine is not smooth: One piece of root with cob washed, boiled with water until 2 gls gls into 1, drink once.
  10. Gums bleeding wounds: Plants taste burnt (with base tile) and used as powder, used as topical ointment gets sick.
  11. Adding milk production: One rod shadows washed, finely ground and used as a poultice around the breast.
  12. Fever: a handful of fresh leaves are washed, milled, plus water, used as a poultice on the forehead

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Imperata Cylindrica

 Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.var.mayor <Nees>), Stature: herb, grass, edging, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping underground stems forming an inflorescence erect, dense, sparse hair on his book. Leaves: single, base close to each other, strands; ribbon-shaped, sharp pointed tip, straight, coarse, sparse hair, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm.

 Composition compound compound grains, rather furl, 6-28 cm long, each branch has two ears, a branch from 2.5 to 5 cm long, flowers 1-3 mm, gluma 1; tip of ciliated, 3-6 veins, Lemma 1 (husk); wide oval, short cilia from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (husk), elongated, tapering from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Palea (Husk), 0.75 to 2 mm. Stamens: anthers 2.5 to 3.5 mm, yellowish white or purple. Pistil: feather-shaped anthers. Fruit: type of rice. Seed: elliptic, 1 mm long.

Habitat and Cultivation:
 In Java grows at altitudes up to 2700 m above sea level, in the areas of open or half-closed; marshes; soils with good aeration: in depleted areas open; river; extensive forest secondary; area burnt; as a weed in cultivation; gardens and plantations. This plant cultivation can affect other plants, because of the relatively high sodium requirement.

 Multiply by itself. Every time the rhizomes are harvested from plants that have matured. Rhizome pale good, taste sweet and cool. grass can cause a decrease in soil pH. The magnitude of decrease in pH and resistance to nitrification showed a positive correlation with the growth of weeds

Parts used for medical drugs is the root.

 In fact, its roots can be used to lower the temperature, launched urine, stop bleeding, and as a remedy for bleeding at the nose, spitting blood, gonorrhea (gonorrhea), hepatitis, kidney infections. The study found that grass contains mannitol, glucose, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, silindrin, fernerol, simiarenol, anemonin, achine, alkali, saponins, taninin, and polyphenols.

Pharmacological Effects: The sweet taste and cool nature, anti-pyretic (heat reduction), diuretics (urine laxative), hemostatic (stop bleeding), entered the median lung, stomach and small intestine.

 Roots: metabolites have been found in the roots of reeds consists of arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, campesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, scopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, catechol, chlorogenic acid, isoklorogenat acid, p-kumarat acid, neoklorogenat acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, d-malic acid, citric acid, potassium (0.75% of the dry weight), a large amount of calcium and 5-hydroxytryptamine. From the results of other studies on the roots and leaves found 5 kinds of derivatives are derived flavonoid 3 ', 4',7-trihydroxy flavone, 2 ', 3'-dihydroxy kalkon and 6-hydroxy flavanol. A flavonoid derivatives which may include group flavones, flavonols substituted 3-0H, flavanones or isoflavones contained in the soluble fraction ethylacetate extracts grass roots. In the fraction of water-soluble extract of the roots of weeds found flavone class of compounds with no free OH groups, flavones, flavonols substituted 3-0H, flavanones, or isoflavones.
Part of plant used: root, rhizome (leaves) and flowers. can be used fresh or dried.

Traditional recipe:

 Urinary Tract Infections and Urinary Slightly
When suffering from a urinary tract infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. This herb can be used as an alternative medicine in addition to treatment from a doctor.

  • Reed rhizome 6 grams
  • Rhizome Key pepet 5 grams
  • 4 grams of leaf cat whiskers
  • Water 115 ml
  • How to manufacture:
  • Brewed, made ​​by infusion or pill.
  • How pernakaian:
  • Drink 1 a day, each time drank 100 ml.
  • For the form of pills taken 3 times a day 9 pill.
  • Duration of treatment:
  • Repeated for 14 days.

Nosebleeds, blood urine, and vomiting blood.

When suffering from blood urine or vomit blood, you should immediately consult a doctor. This herb can be used as an alternative medicine in addition to treatment from a doctor.

  • Reed Rhizome 6 grams
  • 6 grams of fresh leaf spoon
  • Andong fresh leaves 2 pieces
  • Water 110 ml
  • How to manufacture:
  • Brewed, crushed, made ​​by infusion or pill.
How to use:
  Drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, each time drank 100 ml. (for infusion). To pipisan taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every time I drink 1/4 cup. To pill taken 3 times a day 9 pill.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.
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Durian Fruit Benefits For Health

Durian Fruit Benefits For Health: Durian is known as the King of Fruits. The fruit has a spiny skin and soft yellow flesh with seeds through his skin. With a unique smell fragrant considered for some people and there are considered disgusting to others.

Durian Fruit Benefits For Health is rich in Vitamin B, C, E and iron content is high. These fruits help cleanse the blood and lowering cholesterol. Durian shown to improve migraines, anxiety, depression and stress. It is also traditionally believed that pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure should not consume durian. Durian is not advisable to drink the beer, coca-cola and peanuts.

20 durian fruit for health benefits:

  1. Can overcome anemia because durian is rich in folic acid and iron.
  2. Can cope with constipation because durian contain lots of fiber.
  3. Besides durian skins are crushed and applied to the abdomen can facilitate bowel movement.
  4. Prevent premature aging because they contain vitamin C as an antioxidant.
  5. Improving low blood pressure because it contains iron and its heat.
  6. Overcoming swelling.
  7. Treating diseases of the skin rashes (ringworm).
  8. Good for healthy bones and joints because they contain calcium, potassium, and other vitamins B.
  9. The content of manganese can maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  10. Burnt durian skins are then made of ash, water can launch period, but also to be abortive.
  11. The fruit can a cure jaundice.
  12. Increased appetite because it contains niacin and thiamin.
  13. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) can help overcome migraines.
  14. Maintaining thyroid health because the content of copper.
  15. Can reduce stress and depression because of the content of pyridoxine (B6).
  16. Good for dental health because they contain phosphorus.
  17. Durian rind can be used as a mosquito repellent.
  18. Roots and leaves steeping water durian can as an antipyretic (lowers body temperature nutritious hot or fever)
  19. Believed to be an aphrodisiac.
  20. Its roots can to treat infections of the nails.
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Duku Fruit for Health Benefits

Duku is one fruit that grows in Indonesia and is one of the woody plants that lived during chronic. Fruit duku (Lansium Domesticum Corr) is starting to spread widely in other parts of the continent of Asia, especially Southeast Asia (from Thailand peninsula until the end of the eastern tip of Kalimantan). But if you already know that fruit duku is good for your health? For more details you can see a little review below.

Efficacy of Duku Fruit
Duku fruit that looks almost like longan is proved to have some good benefits for health, and here are some of the health benefits of fruit duku for:
Skins and seeds of fruits duku able to reduce fever and diarrhea as well as medicine.
Duku bark of fruit is capable of treating deadly insect bites.
Can be useful as a remedy dysentery.
Existing fiber content in fruit can help digestion duku in the body.
Be able to prevent cancer disease.
The above are some of the benefits of fruit duku we can get to consume. It is recommended for those of you who have some symptoms of the disease can consume fruit duku to treat.

The content on Duku Fruit
Lots of fruit duku content which is very good for health, including the composition of nutrients that exist on any fruit duku had enough, enough calories is 70 cal per 100gram duku fruit, protein, fat, carbohydrates, natural minerals, calcium and fisfir good for bones, iron and some other useful content. The content - content that causes duku benefits of fruit is very good for health. By eating the fruit duku, you can meet any energy needed by the body every day you can simultaneously keep us from some deadly diseases like cancer.
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Red Fruit Pomegranate

Pomegranate fruit known by the name 'superfruit' contains high antioxidant, consisting of asid ellagik good to protect the prostate gland, breast, lungs, and heart or cardiovascular system.

Studies show pomegranates may destroy breast kanser cells without destroying cells and prevented cell kanser adviser breast shape. The assessment is examined in mice also proved capable of binding pomegranate kanser formation of lung, prostate kanser growth slows. In a study involving 50 prostate pesakit kanser, making pomegranate can stabilize PSA cedar.

Pomegranate intake may prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels dump the arteries, reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. Pomegranates can lower systolic pressure of up to 5 percent. This fact is especially helpful in controlling heart disease or cardiovascular system.

The study also showed that pomegranate can prevent Alzheimer's disease. In one study, mice bred to suffer from Alzheimer's disease after being given a pomegranate and amyloid plaque found in the brains of rats and perform the duties of the mind more active than control mice.

Several studies showed that pomegranate can reduce the formation of dental plaque, preventing the deterioration of cartilage and prevent arthritis. Pomegranate intake by pregnant women can protect the brain from damage after injury.

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CHERRY FRUIT - Health Benefits

Beautiful red fruit can be used as cake decoration is not only unsightly and eaten. But behind this beauty, cherry has a wide range of benefits that are good for our health. 

What are the benefits of this beautiful fruit?

1.Cherry help reduce inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis, gout and arthritis.
Cherry offers the taste and the ability to reduce inflammation and joint pain. Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or irritation and is generally accompanied by swelling, redness heat and pain.

2.Cherry fresh cherry juice is an excellent source for antioxidants.
Antioxidants help the body fight the effects of free radicals. Effects of free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules from cells that attack health and can cause disease and accelerate the aging process.
A number of research universities have conducted studies and published papers on the natural healing benefits of this tiny red fruit. Michigan State University is the first university medical research in depth to the tart cherry. During the study, the university discovered the amazing benefits of anthocyanins. According to the study, eating two dozen cherries per day can reap the benefits against pain.

3.Concentrate Against Gout Cherry Juice.
Gout is the result of the build up of uric acid crystals (monosodium urate) in fluids and tissues in the body. This condition is caused by overproduction or under excretion of uric acid. It can also be caused by certain medications, alcohol and high purine foods. When a person is suffering from gout attacks, maybe people will experience tremendous pain, joint swelling, redness and heat.

4. Limiting foods high in purines (scallops, organ meats, sauces, etc).
Could have a positive effect on uric acid, concentrated cherry juice is also very beneficial for gout.
Usually only drink one ounce of cherry juice helps to reduce uric acid levels and begin to dissolve the uric acid crystals that may have formed between the joints.
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Benefits and efficacy of Phyllanthus Acidus Fruit

Benefits and efficacy of Phyllanthus acidus Fruit, fruit is sweet and delicious. It was easy to find fruit acidus Phyllanthus, Phyllanthus trees usually acidus terraces are home or kitchen garden which has a fairly extensive home page and there in plant acidus Phyllanthus trees.

Season Phyllanthus acidus indeterminate as well, and the fruit of Phyllanthus acidus it tasted like sour star fruit iron but if dirujak fruit nampol euy linings. Well DID YOU KNOW acidus Phyllanthus fruit benefits or efficacy of Phyllanthus fruit acidus for health? Behind the acidic fruit flavors Phyllanthus acidus store various properties.

Benefits Fruit Benefits and Phyllanthus acidus:

Part is used for the treatment of:

  • Leaves; used to treat cough with phlegm, nausea, cancer, mouth sores and attenuate the body.
  • Root bark; asthma and skin disease.
  • Seeds; constipation and nausea due to stomach dirty.

Some how the use of Phyllanthus acidus for treatment:

Prepare as much acidus Phyllanthus seeds 3/4 teaspoon, washed and ground into powder. Pour 1/2 cup hot water. While still warm add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until evenly and then drink as well. Apply 2 times a day.
Prepare fresh leaves of Phyllanthus acidus much as 3 grams, washed and pounded jalus. Pour 1/2 cup hot water, then cooled. steeping drink well with the results of the waste.

Take 6 seed acidus Phyllanthus fruit, red onion 2 eggs, Dolichos lablab 1/4 handheld, 8 points of longan fruit, washed and ground as needed. The material is then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 1/2 cups. after cold filtered and drunk with sugar water to taste. a day 2 times, each 3/4 cup.

Prepare the leaves of Phyllanthus acidus young as 1/4 handheld, starfruit leaves 1/3 handheld, Merremia mammosa 1/2 fingers, chinese yam 1/2 fingers, palm sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. The material was then boiled in 3 cups water until the Left 3/4 sections. After chilling filtered, ready to drink. 3 times a day, each quite 3/4 cup.

Drink boiled water leaves Phyllanthus acidus. The drug is a powerful work, do not eat in the long term due to the effect of the content of the leaves Phyllanthus acidus worked very powerful. Use it sparingly.
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Efficacy and Benefit of Carambola Fruit

Carambola Fruit | Efficacy and Benefit of Carambola Fruit
Carambola Fruit certainly is not foreign to us, but we do not know what the benefits of Carambola Fruit?

Carambola fruit is in the form of a typical plant from Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka.

Carambola Fruit elliptical shaped with sharp ribs of five with a refreshing sweet taste, really tempting. In international circles, the fruit is known as Carambola Fruit. This is because the appearance of the fruit when cut horizontally that looked like a star.

Efficacy of Carambola Fruit

Acne medication
  • Take a fresh Carambola Fruit, moderation. Depending on the number of faces to be treated
  • After that, we are Carambola Fruit puree, can be ground or blended, and do not forget water mixed with a little salt
  • Carambola Fruit has refined and mixed with salt water, we wipe our faces with acne, do it three times a day.

Sweet Carambola Fruit has efficacy as an antipyretic and expectorant, so it can be used for treating coughs in children.

The fruits that contain lots of vitamin C has its benefits as antiinflasi, analgesic, and a diuretic, so it is good for healing coughs, ulcers, sore throat, a fever, to overcome the problem of diabetes, and cholesterol.

Its vitamin C content is high also good to eat cancer patients.
The roots of sweet Carambola Fruit is also believed to cure headaches and joint pain.
While the leaves can be used to treat stomach ulcers, purulent skin inflammations and ulcers.
Moreover leatherback has good fiber content that can help improve digestion, and contains high levels of potassium and low sodium as hypertension medication.

Despite many benefits, for people with kidney disease should be careful with this fruit because it contains a lot of oxalic acid that is harmful to them.

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Benefits of rice Dumplings

Rice dumplings with the Latin name Mangifera foetida Lour. The straight-trunked tree, it can reach 30-35 m. Bark is brown to dark gray, brown, shallow grooved break. When injured (all parts of the plant) issued lymph whitish gray, long-time to a red and black. The sap is sharp, scratchy and can irritate the skin (especially the mucous membranes). It has no buttresses.

Benefits of rice Dumplings

Among the popular rice dumplings Fruit Society as mixed drinks or ice. though still inferior quality when compared with Mangifera odorata. But apparently the fruit content of rice dumplings are very helpful to us, because the contents in dalammya. Benefits in terms of health, plant leaves can be used as rice dumplings fever, and seeds to treat fungal diseases, scabies and eczema. and Sap useful to deepen tattoo pictures.
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Efficacy and Benefits of Arbei or Atherton Raspberry

benefits of strawberries you are looking for. Indeed strawberries/Atherton Raspberry for this rare people who eat them, or maybe not a few people who are less familiar with strawberries.

Strawberry (Fragaria Vesca) commonly known as alpine strawberries or small strawberries/Atherton Raspberry. Berries can be red or white depending on the variety.

The content of Atherton Raspberry
Based on the list of Food Composition (DKBM), in 100 grams of strawberries contains as much energy as 37 kcal, protein 0.8 g, fat 0.5 mg, carbohydrate 8.3 g, 30 mcg folic acid, 28 mg calcium, phosphorus 27 mg, Fe 0.8 mg, vitamin A 60 SI (International Units), vitamin B1 0.003 mg, and 89.9 g of water.

  • Saponins (glycosides which are found in plants)
  • Favonoida (an active chemical compound that has been successfully studied, known as silymarin from plants silybum marianum L. The results showed that silymarin can be used as a remedy or protection from heart disease / anti-hepatotoxic action)
  • Ppolifenol (functioning as an antioxidant)
  • Has antioxidant properties
  • Has antibacterial properties
  • Vitamin C

Efficacy and benefits of Atherton Raspberry
The blueberry has many properties and benefits, including:
  • Cure thrush. For thrush medication used 10 grams of fresh fruit strawberries, washed, and then eaten as well.
  • Suspected can help fight cancer
  • Treating ulcers (made ​​fruit juice and drink)
  • Help fight typhus
  • Relieve the symptoms of diarrhea

Most berries contain antioxidants (vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, vitamin C, and E).

Therefore, the berries is very important for immunity because it can neutralize free radicals responsible answers with the disorder in the body. Berries may protect the body from infection.

The high antioxidant content makes berry is able to clean the body in depth and delay the aging process.

Strawberries are also a good source of vitamins and minerals to produce a source of energy. Strawberries and rich in vitamin C is 60 mg. This amount is equivalent to the daily needs.

Although high in vitamin C and tastes sour, but vitamin C does not give harmful side effects to the stomach.
redmoreEfficacy and Benefits of Arbei or Atherton Raspberry

Benefits and Efficacy Avocados

Healthy food is essential for the body's intake. Eating fruits is necessary in order to maintain body balance. For example, Avocado fruit is one of the fruits rich in benefits. Fruits that contain healthy fats can help maintain eye health, fight cancer, and improve nutrient absorption. How Avocados improve health? Here's the description for you.

Enhance eye health
Try to protect eye health by eating a few pieces of avocado at lunch or dinner. Avocados are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants found in the retina. Both of these antioxidant functioning maintaining eye health and prevent eye disorders related to aging, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Prevent cancer
A study found that avocado extract could kill or stop the growth of precancerous cells that trigger mouth cancer. This extract is also believed to have the same effect on other cancer types. These benefits, according to researchers, is caused by the content of folate, vitamin C and E in the Avocado.

Be strong absorption of nutrients
A study from The Ohio State University, told website, found that people can absorb lycopene (from tomatoes) 4.5 times as much as plus avocado. Good fats from Avocado, according to researchers, helping to absorb more nutrients.

Sources of healthy fats
Try replacing fat with bacon avocado cream. One ounce of avocado contains four grams of unsaturated fats. Good fats to function lowers cholesterol and is good for the heart. In addition to good fats, one ounce avocado contains two grams of fiber and one gram of protein. The content of this makes perfect avocado instead of other sources of unhealthy fats.
redmoreBenefits and Efficacy Avocados

Benefits Of Wine

The shape is round, sweet, sometimes sour, there are various colors of green, red, black.
The grapes have a lot of content in it. Such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate are very good for the body. In addition, wine is a good source of antioxidants for the body.

Some of the benefits of grapes:

1. Heart disease.
Fruit wines are very good, for people with heart disease, since nitric oxide levels in the blood will increase when you eat grapes, which is beneficial to prevent clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants can also stop the oxidation of cholesterol that block blood vessels.

2. Kidney disorders.
Benefit of grapes may help get rid of excess acid in your kidney function. Thus can reduce the disruption of the kidney-pressure system.

3. Digestion.
During this time you may often experience digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, frequent bowel movements, by eating grapes stomach and digestive problems will be solved, because grapefruit contains organic acids, sugars, cellulose is known as a good laxative.

4. Fatigue.
Like many activities, fatigue is an end of an activity, fatigue can be treated with rest, grape juice will help you eliminate fatigue, because the juice as a beverage at any instant can be made and purchased, effectively repel tired because grape juice it is very rich in iron.

5. Migraine.
Migraine is a disease that occurs and often attack the head of the door (the headaches). Well if you have such things by drinking grape juice or water added alias pure juice every morning will help the healing migraines naturally.

6. Asthma.
Cold weather, dust allergy be an factor that often occurs and as a trigger for asthma attacks. Equally often attacked due to the constriction of the respiratory tract. The grapes are the best solution to overcome the problem of asthma or shortness of breath, why? because wine has assimilatory force that works to increase the water content in the lungs.

7. antibacterial
Fruit turns red wine contains antibacterial and antiviral quite strong, so if you often eat this fruit can protect the body from harmful infections.

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Apricot is a small tree, 8-12 m tall, with stems up to 40 cm in diameter and canopy, solid spread. Apricot leaves ovate, 5-9 cm and 4-8 cm wide, with a rounded base, pointed tip and a finely serrated margin. The flowers are 2 to 4.5 cm in diameter, with five white petals pink, apricot are produced singly or in pairs in early spring before the leaves. In Latin, apricot plum called Armenia. Carotenoids (a type of antioxidant) is the highest content in the fruit, even above average other fruit. Apricot fruit also contains fiber which is quite high as it can be used as a reliever diarrhea or constipation. The fruit can also be used to help detoxify and thirst bidders.


Here are some of Efficacy and Apricot Fruit Benefits for the Body Health, Among Others:

  • Maintain stable blood sugar levels remain normal.
  • stimulates the kidneys
  • It has a mild laxative effect as
  • Good for digestion
  • Contains high iron
  • Reducing the risk of urinary tract infections
  • Helps prevent heart attacks
  • Helps regulate blood pressure
  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Effective for skin problems such as sunburn and eczema
  • Besides apricots are very helpful in fighting bacteria, infections, and cancer.
  • Apricots can also reconstruct damaged or diseased tissue, maintain good vision, and build strong bone structure. Apricot 

Fruit is often used as a natural laxative.
Apricot recommended for those who suffer from anemia, renal lithiasis, biliary lithiasis, vitamin A deficiency, pregnant women, the elderly, or young. Apricot juice is also used in cosmetics because it can tone up the skin. But you should be careful in consuming apricots. The end of apricot seeds contain certain concentrations of chemical elements. This can lead to an imbalance in the body.

To be reaping the benefits of both apricots, you can get rid of the end grain. Do not eat more than five pieces in one day. Apricots can also be used as a reliever diarrhea or constipation. That is because the orange fruit has a high fiber content. While in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, apricots have other roles. This fruit can help regenerating body fluids, detoxifying and a potent antidote to thirst.

Rich Benefits of Fruit Soursop

Body soursop fruit almost all year round. A few years ago, defeated by soursop juice and guava. This is because pink is believed to increase platelet counts in patients with dengue fever
But this time it is losing both fruits with fruit soursop. Many people look for fruit-shaped bag that is refreshingly sour. The leaves are also sought and hunted people because it is believed able to cure the disease.

The benefits of the various studies, soursop fruit turns a lot of benefits for health. Among other things: have the ability to attack cancer cells with naturally safe and effective, compared with chemotherapy is an often done to cure cancer. It is said to deliver therapeutic doses of certain soursop does not cause side effects such as nausea, weight loss and hair loss. In addition, this fruit can enhance the immune system and prevent deadly infections.

Other benefits of soursop fruit, among others as well as therapeutic treatment of gout, gallstones, increased appetite, slow the aging process, improving the digestive tract and prevents constipation.

Efficacy and Benefits of soursop leaves:

1. Soursop leaves by boiling utilization can inhibit the development of cancer cells and not normal cells revive normal body.
2. Soursop leaves is also warms the stomach without interfering with the function of other organs such as the stomach and liver.
3. Soursop leaves can also be used as an herb for weight loss.
4. Addressing the problem of hair loss.
5. Protecting and strengthening the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
6. Treating breast, colon, lung, prostate and pancreas.
7. Treating back pain.
8. Overcoming infants with diarrhea or diarrhea.
9. Overcoming hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids, ulcers.
10. Overcoming urinary drainage is not smooth.
11. Overcoming pain during urination.
12. Overcoming liver disease or liver.
13. Overcoming eczema (a skin disease).
14. Treat rheumatism or joint pain.
15. As an anti-bacterial.
16. Helps reduce high blood pressure.
redmoreRich Benefits of Fruit Soursop

Garlic and Shallots

Which is better, garlic or onion? Many opinions, better properties of garlic. However, many studies reveal, both equally efficacious. Really?

Garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium Cepa) is a drug that is effective against a wide range of disorders. Garlic works to overcome headaches, heart problems, circulatory, intestinal disorders, reduce the risk of cancer. While onion serves to overcome the flu.

 The body remains healthy with onions: to prevent a variety of diseases and keep the body to keep it healthy, you should:Consumption of garlic cloves every day, it is very good for keeping blood cholesterol levels in heart patients. Special garlic, the most recommended is to eat them as fresh as possible in the circumstances.
Consumption of red onion every day. This method is sufficient to maintain good cholesterol levels in the blood.
redmoreGarlic and Shallots