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12 Sources of Calcium Than Milk

12 Sources of Calcium Than Milk

If you hear the word 'calcium', surely you will immediately say 'milk'. Yes, the products of milk do have a high calcium content. However, milk is not the only source of nutrients that can be expected to maintain bone density and metabolism.

Here are the sources of calcium-laden foods that you should know, as reported by the Huffington Post:

1. Kale
Vegetables from the Brassica family are cousins ​​to broccoli. A cup of kale has 90 mg of calcium, which means that 3.5 cups of kale would be more useful than one glass of milk.

2. Orange
The fruit is not only vitamin C but also provide 60 mg calcium.

3. Soy milk
Type of milk has about 300 mg of calcium if served without any.

4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal may be dubbed a hero breakfast. Fiber foods are also good for the heart and digestive system. One pack of instant oatmeal contain as much as 105 mg.

5. Sesame seeds
An ounce of sesame seeds fortified with 280 mg of calcium, an amount almost equivalent to one glass of milk.

6. Swiss
Of this type of Swiss cheese and Gruyere has the highest calcium content, as many as one-ounce serving provides 270 mg of calcium. Mozzarella contains 200 mg, with hard cheeses such as cheddar and jack.

7. Soybeans
One cup of soy beans boiled without salt yield 261 mg of calcium.

8. Almond
One ounce of peanuts provided 80 mg of calcium. Not only, that, almonds can help tame high blood sugar, raise the weight and cut cholesterol levels.

9. Salmon
Nutritious fish is loaded with healthy fats and protein. And it turns out; three ounces of canned salmon with bones contain calcium as much as 181 mg.

10. Yogurt
Eight-ounce servings of low-fat yogurt have 415 mg of calcium, as well as to absorb more calcium than milk into the body by the same amount.

11. Radish
One cup of boiled turnips loaded with about 200 mg of calcium.

12. Broccoli
The health benefit of broccoli is unmatched. Kings of the world's vegetables are rich in calcium to 180 mg only one cup serving.
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Tips on Healthy Lifestyles

Tips on Healthy Lifestyles

Reduce foods high in fat, like butter, margarine, and coconut milk. Better get your intake of natural fats from nuts or seeds. Forget the viscera, brain, food coconut milk soup, chicken skin and egg yolks. Choose lean meats, clear soup diet, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites, and fish as a good source of protein.

 Wherever possible avoid food ingredients or preservatives in the long term can lead to cancer.

Choose foods or beverages are a natural white (not in-bleach). Use the coloring of foodstuffs such as chocolate from cocoa powder cafe, strawberry red, saffron yellow, and green leaf suji. Do not add sauce, soy sauce, salt and spices flavoring in excess. Plenty to eat fruits and vegetables.

Food processing techniques also affect the quality of food. Choose a method of cooking food with steamed, boiled, or sauteed with a little oil.

Drink plenty of water, mineral 8 glasses a day, avoid alcohol, sodas and drinks with high-sugar content and caffeine. Vegetable and fruit juices better to keep and maintain a healthy body.
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How to Stop Sensitive Teeth

How to Stop Sensitive Teeth

 Do you always experience pain while eating cold foods, or are hot, are sweet and are sour?

This is a sign of your teeth included in the class-sensitive. However, the sensitivity of the teeth on each person is different. Raised because of the pain of sensitive teeth can attack a few moments.

Dentinal sensitivity occurs when the tooth has been eroded email, so that the center of the teeth will look. Mean while, the sensitivity of the pulp due to nerve damage in the heart of the teeth.

The difference, pulpal pain sensitivity occurs only in a damaged tooth, while the pain of dentinal sensitivity felt in all gears.

Causative factor that often happens to be the wrong way to brush your teeth. Sometimes we brush his teeth with a very strong, for want of teeth really clean. It's just a big mistake! Protective layer of tooth enamel and also eroded, so that the inside of the tooth ache when exposed to acid.

Way improper brushing can cause gums to the teeth grip weakened. The position of the gums will go down, so that the roots of the teeth more susceptible to acid. The signs, the tooth will easily shake.

Cleaning the teeth is now a thing that requires precision, both in the way of brushing and consistency. If you often forget to brush your teeth, it also will be a problem. Acid levels in the mouth of the higher, so the teeth easily fragile. Brittle teeth that are a haven for plaque that will make your teeth become sensitive.

What about the habit of eating fruit or acidic drinks. The same as brushing your teeth too hard, the enamel on the teeth will easily be eroded.

Many things you can do to get healthy teeth. One of them by choosing a soft toothbrush and a toothpaste containing fluoride as an amplifier.
Avoid foods that make it difficult to chew and swallow to eat your normal speed. If you still continue and do not care, your teeth will be faster sensitive to heat, cold, and acids.
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Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy

Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy

EYE is an important part of the body. Therefore, it should be kept and cared for his health. Many are ignoring the care and eye health. Often you suddenly realized that there was something wrong with your eyes. Here what you need to be aware of. Here are some tips on how to maintain eye health.

  •  Check with your eyes once a year to an ophthalmologist. Eye conditions can always change. This is because the eye always accepts new things every day. Environmental conditions and then affects the state of eye health. You cannot tell by examining your own eye health because it requires a special tool for that. So check regularly to the doctor.
  •  Buy the best-quality contact lenses. Choosing a contact lens care need. Do not just well-known brands, choose an affordable price? Choose the best for your eyes. So, it should be more careful to choose contact lenses instead of regular glasses. Choose the best color that suits your eye.
  •  Always use UV sunglasses in the sun. The sun is not only "bad" on your skin, but in the eyes as well eye also should not be exposed to direct light. UV radiation will give adverse effects on the eyes. Especially if you are doing activity's outdoors. Just select the appropriate glasses with fashion trends, in order to be stylish as well.
  •  Eating or food supplements that are good for the eyes. Consumption of foods or supplements containing vitamin A, C, E, Folic Acid, Selenium and Zinc. All foods and supplements that can inhibit the aging factors that also affect the performance of the eye.
  •  Set the light when reading or working at the computer. Light affects the eye health. Condition lamp to fit with the comfort of the eyes when reading or working at the computer. The dark and dimly lit so bad and accelerate the damage to the eye. Not too shiny either because it makes the eyes dazzled and tired. Therefore, just set your lights, not also dark or shiny.
  •  Provide adequate rest periods for the eyes. Eye also needs a rest like the rest of your limbs. When you sleep, use a night light or turned off. It would be better if the eyes are tired all day is left in the dark. This will make your eyes more relaxed and fresh the next morning.
  •  Replace your contact lenses according to the recommended time. Each contact lens has a lifetime. Avoid using too long. Disconnect if you do not need it, or when you are relaxing at home. Normal usage time is 12 hours a day. Including, diligent cleaning your contact lenses because of dust and other particles will stick on it.
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Health Benefits Of Bananas

Health Benefits Of Bananas

 Did you know bananas are delicious it turned out to save a lot of benefits to health? In general, the nutrients contained in each fruit ripe banana is 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 25.8 mg of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg calcium, phosphorus 28 mg, iron 0, 5 mg, 44 RE vitamin A, vitamin B 0.08 mg, 3 mg vitamin C and 72 grams of water. So can you imagine how great it benefits you can get by eating a banana every day, consider the following as bananas and started to make your snacks daily!

Well, below are some benefits of banana, which is very good for health.
  • Benefits For Pregnant Women
Bananas are also recommended to pregnant women consumed because they contain folic acid are easily absorbed by the fetus through the uterus. However, set your consumption because in a banana contains about 85-100 calories are too big for your baby candidates.

  • Benefits For Stomach and Intestinal Disease
Bananas are mixed with fresh milk or put in a glass of milk, can serve as a remedy for intestinal diseases. Moreover, in this way is also recommended for patients with abdominal pain and Cholik to neutralize gastric acidity.
  • Benefits For Burn Injuries
 Not only is it a useful fruit, but banana leaves can be used for the treatment of burned skin in a way because the mixture of ash smeared with banana leaves, coconut oil has the added effect that cools the skin and heals's burns.
  • Bananas can also create Beauty.
If you start to feel desperate because acne keeps popping up, and it seems no longer any way to help, try a natural treatment with a banana. Banana pulp mixed with a little milk and honey and then applied to the face regularly every day for 30-40 minutes and wash in warm water then rinse in cold water or ice, repeated after two weeks can make your skin look clean and shine away from acne.

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